What to expect

Existing provider FAQs

We understand you have built a solid relationship with your provider. Here's why it may be difficult to see them in person.

Why is there a new in-person appointment requirement?

The Ryan Haight Act requires that patients receiving prescriptions for controlled substances via telemedicine first be evaluated in person by their medical provider. Through the Public Health Emergency declared during the pandemic, an exemption allows for controlled prescriptions to be issued without an in person appointment. We anticipate that the Public Health Emergency will end and that patients will need to be seen in person before they can continue to receive these prescriptions via telemedicine.

Why don't I see availabilities for my provider?

Due to limited clinic space, we can only host 1-2 providers at a time. We are currently looking at ways to grow this number, but we recommend you book an appointment with a provider as soon possible.

Will I be able to keep seeing my provider?

We are making every effort to provide you the opportunity to book your in person appointment with your existing provider. There will be cases where this is not logistically possible. If and when the Ryan Haight act comes back into force, your telemedicine appointments that involve controlled substances will need to be with the same provider you met in person.

What do I need to do?

We recommend you book an in person appointment as soon as possible to avoid a potential interruption in care, should there be an influx of demand when the regulations change.

How often will I need to be seen in person?

After being evaluated once in person, you will be eligible to continue to receive your controlled prescription via telemedicine as long as it remains clinically appropriate and you are seeing the same provider. Just as is the case today, your provider has the discretion on a case by case basis to exercise their clinical judgment and request that you be evaluated in person.

What's the deadline for having an in-person appointment?

The Public Health Emergency will end on May 11, 2023. Once the Public Health Emergency expires, and unless other changes to the regulations are made, an in-person appointment will be needed prior to the issuance of controlled substances via telemedicine. We recommend booking this appointment now in order to avoid a potential disruption of care.

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