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Meet with an online doctor over video for sleep disorders treatment today

Sleep, migraines and headaches share a surprising link. Book a video consultation with a Board-Certified primary care provider to discuss your symptoms and receive treatment.

Provider Nikki Tsang

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Sleep Disorders

Sleep should relax your mind, recharge your body, and restore your health.

When you get healthy sleep, your body should be in its most relaxed state.

If you are waking up tired, or with a headache, it is generally an indicator that something is disturbing your sleep and preventing you from getting the rest your mind and body need to thrive.

Find out today with a Sleep Evaluation or an At-Home Sleep Study.

Signs you may be suffering from a sleep disorder include:

Waking up with a headache

Waking to use the bathroom multiple times a night

Sleep without dreams

Depending on caffeine in the morning to feel truly 'awake'

Sleep paralysis or sleepwalking

Dozing off or feeling tired during the day despite a full night's rest (7-8 hours)

Restless legs

Chronic pain

Erectile dysfunction

Various Sleep Disorders

What are common sleep disorders?

There are a number of common sleep disorders that can significantly affect overall well-being and require appropriate evaluation and management. These may include insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, or restless leg syndrome. Other conditions include narcolepsy, parasomnias, circadian rhythm disorders, and sleep-related movement disorders (such as periodic limb movement disorder).


Insomnia is characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing non-restorative sleep. It can be caused by various factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, medications, or underlying medical conditions. Insomnia can lead to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, mood disturbances, and impaired cognitive function.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

OSA is a common disorder where the upper airway becomes partially or completely blocked during sleep, leading to repeated pauses in breathing. It is often associated with loud snoring, witnessed breathing pauses, and daytime symptoms like excessive daytime sleepiness and morning headaches. OSA increases the risk of cardiovascular problems and requires management with lifestyle changes and, in some cases, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)

RLS is characterized by an urge to move one's legs, often accompanied by sensations of feeling uncomfortable. Symptoms are typically worse at night or during periods of rest, leading to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Moving the legs provides temporary relief, but the cycle may repeat, disrupting sleep and causing daytime fatigue.


Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden sleep attacks, and episodes of muscle weakness or loss of muscle control triggered by strong emotions. People with narcolepsy often experience fragmented nighttime sleep and may have vivid dream-like hallucinations or sleep paralysis.


Parasomnias include sleepwalking, night terrors, and sleep-related eating disorders, among others. These disorders involve abnormal behaviors or experiences during sleep, often causing disruption and distress.

Circadian Rhythm Disorders

Circadian rhythm disorders occur when a person's internal body clock is out of sync with the desired sleep-wake schedule. Examples include shift work disorder, where the work schedule conflicts with the body's natural sleep patterns, and jet lag, which results from rapid travel across time zones.

Sleep-Related Movement Disorders

These disorders involve abnormal movements or behaviors during sleep. The most common one is periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), characterized by repetitive limb movements during sleep that can disrupt sleep quality and lead to excessive daytime sleepiness.
What the study looks like

What does a Sleep Study look like with Circle Medical?

Video meeting: Intake & analysis

What is it?

Once you select a provider, you will attend a 30-minute intake appointment via the secure Circle Medical app from any convenient location of your choosing, such as your own home. Your provider will assess your symptoms and medical history, and order a sleep study to gather data on your sleep.

Cost with insurance


Cash pay


At-home Sleep Study and Screening

Participating in an at-home sleep study has never been easier. The steps are as follows:
  • You will be sent a small WESPER sleep monitoring device (two small, soft fabric patches, and a wrist mounted pulse and blood oxygen monitor)
  • The device pairs with a free app on our phone that will walk you through the easy set up process
  • Sleep (in your own bed!) and perform a two-night sleep study
  • After your sleep study is complete, return the device using an included pre-paid envelope
  • Attend a follow-up appointment with your provider to review the results and determine next steps (it generally takes 2-3 days for your provider to recieve the completed analysis based on the results of your study)

Cost with insurance


Cash pay


Get Treatment

How we determine what treatment is right for you

Based on the results of your sleep study, the severity of your Sleep Apnea, and other relevant health factors, your provider will recommend one or or a combination of the following treatment options and paths:

  1. 1. Behavior Modification

    Many mild cases of Sleep Apnea can be treated by losing weight, changes in frequency and intensity in exercise, breath work, reducing alcohol consumption, stopping smoking, and more.

  2. 2. CPAP Machine or Equivalent

    If a patient's Sleep Apnea is significant enough that behavior changes alone are not effective, the typical treatment for Sleep Apnea is the use of a CPAP machine or similar device to help regulate a patient's breathing while they sleep.

    Available only with a prescription, CPAP machines have continued to evolve along with other medical technology, and have become easier than ever to use. Your provider will be able to recommend a CPAP device that is most compatible with your lifestyle, and will be covered by most insurance plans. Prescriptions for oral appliances are also available if applicable.

  3. 3. Referral

    In very rare or extreme cases, or for patients who are unable or would prefer not to use a CPAP device or other device, Circle Medical providers can make an appropriate diagnosis and refer the patient out to an appropriate specialist.

Once you have chosen and started a treatment plan, your provider will prescribe a follow-up sleep study to confirm that your treatment is working.

See available providers

† Circle Medical is able to offer low cost and high quality care from Primary Care Providers that are qualified to treat a wide range of conditions, and integrates your care into your overall health plan. Co-pay costs may range from covered, to $35, to not covered, and will depend on your individual insurance plan.

Insurance Shield

In network with many PPO insurance plans

Get Started

Say goodbye to awkward sleep studies.

Learn about your sleep health without leaving the comfort of your own bed.

Sleep Study Features

Comfortable equipment (no wires, no beeping, no clamps, no 1-way mirrors)
Sleep in your own bed
Data interpretation sent automatically to your doctor
Easy to schedule
Equipment delivered to your door
Availability (how soon can I start?)
Results sent your provider to review within

Circle At-Home Sleep Study

2-4 business days
72 hours or less
(depending on insurance and location)

Typical In-Clinic Sleep Study

3-6 weeks (can be over 6 months)
7+ days
(National average cost was $3,075 in 2022)

Your care doesn't have to stop with Migraine Care.

As a fully-licensed primary care practice, we know that Sleep Migraine treatment is just one piece of making you healthy. Our 400+ providers offer annual checkups, on demand video appointments, specialist referrals, and more.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Insomnia care

If I think I have Sleep Apnea, can I sign up for a Sleep Study on my own?

Current laws in the United States require a doctor's prescription in order for a patient to participate in a sleep study.

If I know I have Sleep Apnea, can I just purchase a CPAP device?

Current laws in the United States require a doctor's prescription in order to obtain a CPAP device.

How do I return the device after my Sleep Study is completed?

You will be sent a pre-paid, pre-addressed envelope along with the device. Once you have completed your at-home sleep study, simply place the device in the provided envelope and put it in the mail. That's it!

Is the device uncomfortable or hard to use?

Not at all. It is a small device that you can easily attach painlessly. The companion smartphone app includes detailed, easy to follow instructions for use, and will send the recorded data back to Circle automatically.

Do I have to pick up, or drop off, my device at a Circle Medical location?

No, the device will be sent to you, and will arrive in 7-10 business days following your provider's recommendation for a Sleep Study. The device will automatically send recorded data back to Circle for evaluation. You will be sent a pre-paid, pre-addressed envelope along with the device. Once you have completed your at-home sleep study, simply place the device in the provided envelope and put it in the mail. That's it!

Who reviews my sleep study results?

Your sleep results will be reviewed by a board-certified sleep specialist, who will then work closely with your Circle Medical provider to create your personalized treatment plan.

What are the benefits of an at home sleep study vs a regular sleep study at a clinic?

Most people find it far more comfortable to sleep in the comfort of their own bed in their own home, where your sleep patterns will much more closely match your typical sleep cycle than they would when you sleep in a clinic that is new to you. The device you will receive will also allow you to perform multiple studies, and all at a small fraction of the typical cost of an in-clinic sleep study.


Do new patients need to prepare anything for their first appointment at Circle Medical?

For a detailed breakdown of what you need for your first appointment with Circle Medical, read the article below:

How to Prepare for Your First Appointment

Where are Circle Medical's clinics located? Where can I get care?

Circle Medical has in-person clinics in California and is expanding its in-person presence across the US, but you can get high quality care via telemedicine video appointments in 25 states across the US.

To see what states are currently available, please start booking an appointment and the available states will show as options for you to select.

Do I need to book my appointment with a doctor (MD or DO), or can I book my appointment with any provider (PA-C, NP, etc)?

You do not need to book your initial appointment with a doctor. You can book your appointment with any provider that we have available. Our providers all work closely together to make sure that we are providing the same excellent standard of care to all patients regardless of which provider you book your appointment with.

What is the total cost of treatment?

Circle Medical is a primary care practice, which means that the only fee due to us is the cost of the appointment itself. We accept insurance, so your plan may pay some or all of the appointment fee. Circle does not charge any ongoing membership fees to use our platform.

If you are prescribed medications, you will pay for them when you pick them up at a pharmacy.

We contract with most PPO insurance plans. If you are a California Bay Area resident, we also work with a small number of HMO plans.

To verify if we work with your insurance, simply start booking an appointment online. You will be prompted to enter your insurance details and will receive eligibility results instantly as well as an estimate of your appointment cost prior to confirming your appointment.

Some PPO plans that we currently work with are:

Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, Blue Shield of California, Cigna, Health Net, Humana, and United Healthcare.

Our insured patients pay an average of $5-$50 per appointment.

Plans that we cannot work with are:

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide care for patients who have Medi-Cal or Medicaid insurance. This is because we are not licensed Medi-Cal or Medicaid providers, so we are not able to provide care, even if these patients choose to pay cash instead of use their insurance. If you have Medi-Cal or Medicaid, please do not book an appointment with us, as we will be unable to provide care even if you do not enter your insurance information.

We also offer a self-pay option at a flat rate of $120 per appointment.

Talk to a telehealth provider about disordered sleep today

Provider Nikki Tsang

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